There are three distinct types of swimming pools in the Villages. In total there are over 70 pools in The Villages. These include 1) Sports Pools, 2) Adult Pools, and 3) Family Pools. Here’s a top-level summary of their differences. Oh, and there’s one more: the swimming pools attached to the Championship golf courses are NOT open to people with Village IDs. Those have a completely separate class of membership <BELOW>
A good overview map of all types of pools is <HERE>, The overall basic pool rules include
- Swim at your own risk
- Shower before entering the pool
- No food or drink is allowed in the pool or surrounding edge
- Smoking is permitted in designated areas outside the pool
- Pools have a courtesy phone
- Appropriate swimming attire required
- Pools are heated during the cooler months (between 81-84 degrees)
Most importantly, children are NOT allowed in “adult” pools, and you MUST have a Villages ID (resident, temporary resident, or guest ID) to use these pools.
Lucy’s Tip: As always, refer to the official Villages government web site for information on pools. Their page is <HERE>
Hopefully, you won’t need an AED device, but Automated External Defibrillators are located in the equipment closets of all the Sports Pools. Becoming educated, following the printed guidelines and knowing the locations of the phone and AED will make your visit much safer and more enjoyable.
Sport Pools

There are 12 pools in The Villages that are dedicated as “sports” pools. Each of these pools has a set of active lifestyle events on a hourly basis from 7am until dusk.
These sports pools are detailed in the weekly (Thursday) recreation guide published with The Villages Daily Sun newspaper or available at recreation centers.

Here is a list of the sports pools and their locations. Weekly details are best found via The Villages App or the printed Recreation Guide. You can also click <HERE> to see a Google map of all sports pool locations.
Family Pools
Ok, so it’s a basic fact, but everyone in The Villages requests (requires) that children 36 months of age and younger wear protective swim products. You know what that means! There have been a number of “diaper” accidents reported each month in family pools. That requires shutdown and maintenance.
Adult Pools
Almost every recreation center has an adult pool. These pools are for residents and guests who are 30 years of age and over. You can bring noodles, unbreakable masks and goggles. If you bring your personal music, you wil be asked to play the music at a level that only you and your adult friends can hear or use earbuds.
Country Club Pools
The Championship Country Clubs have their own swimming pools and those pools require a separate membership <HERE>.