
Ok, so if you come to The Villages to hang at the pool and don’t play golf, that’s fine and this page may not be important to you. But, so many residents here do play golf, that it warrants a bit of information.

Main Resources:

Golf OverviewThe primary web site (Golf The Villages) has a great overview of how the game of golf is played within The Villages. Currently, there are over 700 total holes of golf to be played, so you have plenty of choices. This site offers you information about both the Executive Golf Courses (mostly par-3) as well as the Championship courses. The overall golf course map for The Villages can be downloaded <HERE>.

Using data from multiple sources, here is a golf course database that includes lots of info <HERE>.

This table is a big help when you are trying to make reservations at a specific course and you need to know how far away it is from your house. If you are driving a long distance to a course and choose to drive a car instead of a cart, all of the Championship courses have golf carts for rent. Some of the executive courses also have carts for rent or can be rented from a neighboring championship course. Allow extra time of you are renting a cart at the course. Push carts are also available and some people BYO.
Golf The VillagesYou can take a deeper dive into golf by visiting the “Golf The Villages” web site. Here you will find information including rates and fees, golf cart procedures, handicaps, golf schools, etc.
Here you will also find details such as a course scorecard for each venue.
Tee TimesThe process and steps for making a tee time for golf is one of the most important things you will need to know.

1) REQUEST a tee time up to 7 days in advance
You start by making a “request” up to 7 days in advance. Once requested, your tee time will be turned into a “reservation” if your time and course choices can be met.

2) ACCEPT or make a RESERVATION three (3) days in advance
You can also simply “jump in” for a reservation the day before play if there is one or more slots available. This is low probability during prime season (Jan-April).

There are multiple ways to make tee times and multiple choices for doing so in advance. Much of this is explained <HERE>.

Phone System for Tee Times:
Tee times can be made via automated system on the phone. It is a bit complicated with many prompts you have to enter. They have printable worksheets that assist you in making a request using the telephone system.

Online Tee time Reservation System:
A newer online system was established by a private company at This is a separate system, and you pay (currently $8.50/mo) to be a member to this web site, which also includes many valuable resource links in addition to the online tee time system they developed.

In order to make play equitable for all golfers, a set of points are assessed against more frequent golfers. But, this system resets weekly, so don’t worry too much about getting penalized.

— One (1) point for a golf request that converts into a reservation
— Two (2) points for cancelling a reservation before the day of play
— Three (3) points for cancelling a reservation on same day of planned play (there are weather exceptions)
Trail FeesIf you use a golf cart on any executive course, you also have to pay $4 trail fees. You can use a pull cart (yours or most course have pull carts available) you don’t have to pay trail fees. Getting trail fees in advance is easy online or in-person at many of the rec centers with the application form
Men’s & Ladies DaysIn addition to booking your own tee times (you may get pared up with other players), there are scramble-format men’s days (Tuesdays) and Ladie’s Days (Wednesdays) at a number of the executive courses.

Men may register on Tuesday through Thursday to play Tuesday scramble of the following week.
Ladies may register Tuesday through Thursday to play Wednesday scramble of the following week. An entry fee of $2.00 is paid at the time of play. Payment must be in the form of cash.
Format for play is Select-Shot Scramble with teams randomly paired each week.  The full info is <HERE>

The tournaments held at the Championship course are only open to residents that have paid for a Priority Membership and hold a GHIN handicap.
Phone NumbersThe primary ways to contact the golf departments through phone include
Golf & Country Club Issues — 352-753-3396
Tee Time Questions — 352-750-4558
Membership Information — 352-753-3396
The Villages Golf Academy — 352-259-8121
Custom Club Shop — 352-753-5310

There is a summary list of addresses and phone numbers for golf courses <HERE>
Priority Golf MembershipAll Villages residents (and those with temporary resident ID cards can play the 9-hole executive course for free and can also play the 18-27 hole championship courses for their greens fees. There is a higher class of golf membership which allows you to a) play in championship competitions (e.g. two-person best ball) and b) get priority tee times. This membership is available on a monthly basis, or for 6 months, or annually.
VideosThere are MANY videos about golf in The Villages that have been created and posted by residents and uploaded to sites such as YouTube. Here’s an example of a good video summary of the executive courses posted by realtor Robyn Cavallero <HERE>. Another video by realtor Ira Miller shows an overview of the Arnold Palmer championship course <HERE>

Don from “Gold Wingnut” has also done many course flyovers via drone. <HERE> is one of the Bonafay course. It gives you a good idea of the layout, cart paths, etc for executive courses.
Several of the championship golf courses (Palmer, Lopez, and Glenview) have driving ranges plus there is a dedicated Saratoga Golf Practice Center at the intersection of Morse Blvd. and Moyer Loop <HERE>. The Nancy Lopez and Saratoga driving ranges are unique over-water ranges!
Golf CartsThere is a separate page specific to golf carts (and rentals) <HERE>. But you should know that you can use your golf cart on both the executive 9-hole courses as well as the Championship courses. If you don’t have a golf cart, you can rent one at each of the Championship courses. The 9-hole executive courses also have pull carts for a nominal rental fee.

If you plan to use your golf cart on the 9-hole executive courses, you will need to pay “trail fees” daily (currently $4/person) or monthly. The fees have to be paid at one of the regional recreation centers and the form is <HERE>

The Executive Courses:
Executive Golf in The Villages offers endless amounts of fun with more than 40 nine-hole courses throughout our hometown. These courses are primarily par 3 holes with the occasional par 4 or 5 and offer an inviting way to play the game for both beginner and expert golfers alike. Players can enjoy 3 sets of tees, making it a friendly game and lots of fun.

The Executive courses are rated on a 1-4 scale. None of these nine hole course yet have GHIN slope/index ratings.

Two of the executive courses can be reserved for group (36 minimum) nighttime play. Night golf at Saddlebrook is played on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and at Escambia on Wednesday and Friday.

The Championship Courses:
There are currently 12 Championship Golf Clubs throughout The Villages. As a resident (or hold a temporary resident ID, not a guest pass), you’re automatically a club member. Each club has full amenities including a clubhouse, restaurants, driving and putting range, golf academies, pools & spas, custom club Shops, tennis courts, and more.

Specialty Golf:
In addition to the 9-hole executive courses and the 18-27-hole Championship Clubs, The Villages has developed other golf facilities including “pitch & putt” short courses. They are located in the Village of Fenney and Village of Marsh View. Reservations for pitch & putt are made the same way as any other golf course.

Golf Outside the Bubble

Ok, so sometimes you just gotta get away. Central Florida is loaded with public and semi-private golf clubs.

The Villages actually has a lifestyle club called “The Villages Golf Club” that is chartered to host a bunch of golf outings OUTSIDE The Villages.

Additionally, here are some nearby golf courses that are talked about often:

Courses the VGC has played in the past
Arlingtion Ridge, Leesburg
Black Bear, Eustis
Celebration Golf Club
Deer Island, Tavares
Dubsdread, Orlando
Eagle Dunes
Eagle Ridge Golf Club (all 4 courses), Summerfield
Inverness CC, Inverness
Juliette Falls
Legends CG (Clermont)
LPGA International
Mission Inn – Las Colinas, Howey in the Hills
Monarch at Royal Highlands, Leesburg
Mount Dora Golf Club, Mount Dora
Ocala Palms, Ocala
Plantation – Cranes Roost, Leesburg
Red Tail, Sorrento
Royal St Cloud
Royal St. Cloud, St Cloud
Silver Springs Shores
Spruce Creek, Summerfield
Stone Creek, Ocala
Summer Glen, Ocala
Zellwood Station, Zellwood