
Ok, here’s what you came to the Villages to do!!

There are so many activities and recreation and clubs and events, and, and, and……some activities are directly sponsored by The Villages Recreation & Parks, while other clubs are self-managed by one or more residents. You might find it more comfortable to join an activity that is sponsored by the Recs & Parks department as a first dive into recreation.

Just take a peek at the daily calendar of events:

  • On The Villages web site <HERE>
  • On the Villages district government site (recreation dept.) <HERE>
  • On The Villages mobile app <HERE>
  • In the Daily Sun newspaper <HERE>. They publish a weekly events and clubs tabloid every Thursday. That magazine is available at most recreation centers.

Lucy’s tip:
Download The Villages app before you visit/stay. Get yourself pre-registered with the Recreation and Parks department <HERE>. You will also want your owner/landlord to submit the application on your behalf for short-term “resident ID” cards, which you’ll need for almost everything.

The Villages Recreation department also publishes an online flipbook that detail the recreation centers and daily activities <HERE>. If this current link is broken as they revise the flipbook, just go to the Rec department’s home page <HERE>.

The Villages district government manages the process for establishing and maintaining a “lifestyle club” within The Villages. A complete listing of all clubs and the point of contact can be found <HERE>…BUT, don’t print it out (haha!), as the list is currently over 192 pages long. If you see a club you’re interested in, just give a call or e-mail to the person listed and they will surely share more info about joining their club. Many of these smaller lifestyle clubs also have their own web site and/or social media presence.