The Villages 101 web site was developed by a couple of pre-retirement snowbirds who have liked and visited The Villages for several years. We found that there is a lot of information about The Villages, but nothing that would act as a starting point for general “do’s and dont’s” and hints for diving into The Villages lifestyle. In fact, there are so many different and independent sources of information, you can get easily lost in the weeds. This is your STARTING point.
As of 2024, after many years of renting, we are now proud owners of a house in Spanish Springs. The tightrope walk from renting to owning is a fun journey. Just be sure to read-up on the many things about owning a 2nd house, or your “forever home” or an investment property..Lot’s to learn.
This site is not meant to be totally comprehensive. In fact, that’s almost impossible given the pace of development in The Villages. It’s just here for your use…..
If you see something that is incomplete or inaccurate, please CONTACT US and we will rectify that info.
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